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The Sailing Science Center Blog
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Dec 8, 2023
The Inevitability of Progress
The tyranny of the urgent has captured the world. Your cellphone beeps, reminding you of your next appointment. What a Godsend that you...

Nov 4, 2023
From Impossible to Possible
Looking back, we can often see points in our lives where things changed and took a new turn. My 10-year high school reunion was one such...

Oct 3, 2023
We Had Fun!
After a sailboat race, it is common for crews from different boats to ask each other, “How did you do?” If the crew being questioned did...

Sep 1, 2023
Swimming off Cape Horn
Beryl looked back to see a great wall of water towering above her, so high and steep that she knew Tzu Hang could not ride over it. The...

Aug 1, 2023
Hard Aground
We were hard aground on a South Pacific reef, with the sun and the tide both falling. We had gone through the prescribed steps from my...

Jul 3, 2023
The Two Conditions
I had an early experience with independence on a family vacation when I was seven years old. Everybody was at lunch, and I wanted to go...

Jun 1, 2023
The Perfect Amount of Trauma
I heard a podcast last year where the host and his guest were talking about Michael Phelps, the all-time record holder for most Olympic...

May 9, 2023
A New Set of Lenses
It was early in my career and I was sailing with colleagues on Galveston Bay. I was trying to determine our location from a buoy marking...

Apr 3, 2023
Seeing The Unseen
Jack and I were in the pilothouse, 12 feet up and scanning the water ahead of the ferry. We were traveling slower than usual because of...

Mar 2, 2023
Running Fast
Decades ago, when I was running triathlons, I trained brutally on the trail, the bike, and in the pool. With my running, in particular, I...
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